Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Take Anabolic Steriod

If you are going to take anabolic steroids, then you should do it properly or forget it. If steroids aren't used correctly, they can cause those dangerous negative side effects you hear about and can cause you to lose even 30% of your gained weight when you discontinue using them. Below is some basic information, however we recommend you to check out steroid e-books.

"Stacking" steroids is a term used when at the same time two or more anabolic steroids are used together. "Steroid cycle" is reffered to the time period in which a user is using anabolic steroids. Athletes normally stack steroids together and take additional supplements in order to maximize the results of their cycle. It has a very well known fact that stacks cause an even more dramatic effect on the muscle than taking only one type of steroid alone.

Another point of stacking two or more steroids together is that each one has a somehow different effect and thus you can see the muscle/strength gaining effects of each different steroid at the same time. Sometimes cycles may include taking one particular steroid at the beginning and finishing your cycle with another steroid, in order to enhance the desired results. Stacks have been used for years and have without a doubt proven to be a more effective way to build quality muscle than when using only one type of steroid, however begginers should start their first or second cycle with one steroid only. We also have to note that when using more steroids in a stack or cycle, the risk of negative side effects increases - that's why anti-estrogen drugs exist, the non-anabolic drugs which users normally use during or immediatelly after their cycle in order to minimize these steroid side effects.

Usual cycle period normally from 6 to 12 weeks and an average off-cycle period (the time being off of the steroids), should be at least 10 to 12 weeks. Bodybuilders and athletes use these patterns to minimize negative side effects which may arise from long term use or overdose. The standard is 2 cycles a year, which is best you can do to keep side effects to a minimum. During the off-cycle period, the body will restore it's natural hormone production and safely recover from a stress that occurred during cycle period.

Cycling is also very important to insure effectiveness of anabolic steroids. If you keep taking any steroid for too long, receptor sites in the tissue will fail to recognize it. This however is not noticed if cycles are done correctly. Some users recommend keeping cycles rather short, about 6-8 weeks in length. Some evidence has shown that receptor sites downgrade occurs in as little as 3 weeks. and that the positive nitrogen balance, a primary anabolic effect of a steroid, will not be present if the dosage is not continually increased. When cycles are extremely long, a receptor site gets so over stimulated, that it can even fail to respond to endogenous androgens, meaning that in this state you could use large dosages and not get any results. That's why steroid cycles are taken in patterns, commonly known as pyramiding. It means a user should start with a small dosage and increase it weekly for example. A peak is in the middle of the cycle period and that's when a maximum dosage should be taken (i.e., week 6 in a 12-week cycle). After that a dosage should be decreased in a similar or same pattern as it was increased, back to the minimal dosage, in order to restore the body to it's pre-cycle stage and not to avoid any rapid changes. Check out some of our steroid cycles which we have put together especially for beginners.

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